Lionext Inc. offers you the ultimate bonded truck services that helps to transfer, transport and move your products smartly. Through our bonded facility, you have access to real time transfer without paying any initial duty. It means, the products can travel up to a certain point without paying any taxes or duties too. Isn’t it great? Yes, we are letting you to be free from boundaries and access the smart delivery of products.
Licensed for bonded truck services
Lionext Inc. is a licensed bonded truck service provider. Since we are always into providing you the best services and assistance in transporting goods. We pay attention to the legal formalities attached to the convenience. It’s the reason, we are certified and licensed bonded truck service providers in town. Giving you an ultimate leverage of accessing the immense utility with all legal terms and conditions.
No barriers in transportation
Bonded truck service enables you to avoid all the barriers in the way of smooth logistics. By focusing on the seamless transportation procedures. We are coming up with the transport options that makes your stand out from others. Lionext Inc. never makes you stuck at the check posts for a long time. your goods can clear from the posts without paying any duties so you can take care of them later.
Ideal for time sensitive goods
Lionext Inc. have designed the bonded truck service for the time sensitive and perishable goods. By keeping up with your supply chain, we ensure the goods are intact when delivered to their destination. It helps in keeping your clients happy and satisfied along with keeping demand in control.
Why Lionext Inc. Bonded Truck Services?
Getting bonded truck service from Lionext Inc. brings you unlimited benefits. We are specialized in providing you the best services holdings numerous features. Our service is designed to cover this side of logistics so we are prepared for every single thing.
Time Saving
When you do not have to wait for custom clearance or duty payment at the check post, you can save a lot of time. we are helping you in saving time and making some smart moves.
Good Sensitive trucks
For multiple types of products, we have specialized fleets. Not all the goods can be transferred in the ordinary trucks. To accommodate perishable goods like fruits, vegetables dairy and other products we have specialized trucks that helps in quick and safe transportation.
Seamless Regulation
Top operate perfectly for a good reason, Lionext Inc. have its own regulation and protocols. We understand the systems and follow them to provide you the best services. The route and management ensure quick results enabling you to enjoy the best services.
Quick Deliveries
Since we can make your products or stuff move fast at the check points, we make the quick deliveries. Using the systematic approach, we come up with the minimum time of covering up for the services for you. Making the quick deliveries and ensure the delivery time, we enhance customer satisfaction.
Licensed and Authorized
Lionext Inc. is an authorized company to provide the bonded truck facility. We are licensed to take the good duty free in and out of the boundaries. It makes the whole process and business legal giving you an ultimate benefit of enjoying the right bonded services.
Get Yourself a Relief!
With bonded Truck services offered by Lionext Inc. you are able to enjoy some relief at the transport of goods. Form or details and boking, contact us.
Does bonded truck service makes trade duty free?
No, it’s not make the trade completely duty free. it just allows you to pass the goods or trucks form a check point without custom clearance but for a limited amount of time or distance.
Who pays duty in bonded truck service?
Your company representative will pay the duty under this service but without holding the truck at the check post. Once the truck is gone from the post, your representative will stay back and clear the customs.